SVN Issues

I do not use SVN to its full potential, but that is not to say I have not run into a fair number of problems while using it. Here are some of the most commons problems and resolutions I have noted to date:
“SVN: Delta Source Ended Unexpectedly” Error

  • I identified the file that was causing the problem.
  • I made sure that all changed files in the problem file’s directory were committed to the repository.
  • I deleted the problem file’s directory from my working copy (not the repository!)
  • I updated my entire working copy

“Can’t check path” Error with TortoiseSVN on Windows

  • Look at the file specified in the path (e.g., C:nul)
  • Check if it is aux, com1, com2, com3, com4, con, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, nul, or prn
  • If so, you must remove the file from the repository as they are reserved by Windows
  • Delete the problem file from the repository
  • Update the entire working copy

I have also had a fair amount of problems with TortoiseSVN. In some cases, I have been forced to use the SVN CLI instead of TortoiseSVN. In other cases, my problem stems from missing functionality of TortoiseSVN usually after in update. In the later case, uninstalling TortoiseSVN, restarting the computer, installation TortoiseSVN, and restarting the computer fixes the issue.

© 2010, Steve Flanders. All rights reserved.

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