Log Insight Versions and End of Support

Now that Log Insight 3.0 has been released you may be wondering when you need to upgrade. In this post I will answer exactly that question.
li-logoThe answer to the question can be found in VMware’s Product Lifecycle Matrix. In it, you will find vCenter Log Insight versions as well as vRealize Log Insight versions. If you look at vRealize Log Insight 2.5 you will see that end of support is listed as:

No earlier than 2016/06/10

No earlier than? What does that mean? Well if you look under lifecycle policy you will see it is listed as EAP with a hyperlink. EAP stands for Enterprise Application Support. Under EAP VMware states:

VMware will support the current release of software as per the Support and Subscription Terms and Conditions for 2 years from the general availability of the Major Release, or the latest released version for 12 months following the general availability of the next Major Release, whichever is longer.

Given that Log Insight 3.0 was released on 2015/09/10 this means Log Insight 2.5 will be supported until 2016/09/10. Note that Log Insight 2.0 would fall under the major release category meaning it is end of support on 2016/06/10. Also, it is important to note that Log Insight 1.x went out of support on 2015/07/09. That’s right, if you are running vCenter Log Insight 1.x it is time to upgrade!
Finally, please remember that Log Insight supports upgrades from GA release to GA release or previous TP to GA release. This means if you are running Log Insight 2.0 GA then you need to upgrade first to Log Insight 2.5 GA and then upgrade to Log Insight 3.0 GA. So, what version of Log Insight are you running?

© 2015, Steve Flanders. All rights reserved.

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