My job requires that I travel. I am on a journey to get fit. These are often two conflicting statements. In this post, I would…
Tips when traveling to India
I recently visited India for this first time in over five years. I figured I would share some tips I learned along the way. Read…
Frequent Flyer Part 5: Car Rental
I do not really have much to say about car rental companies other than to find one and stick with them. Most are identical in…
Frequent Flyer Part 4: Airlines
Your choice of airline really matters and because you are going to marry one be sure to do your homework to prevent a bitter divorce.…
Frequent Flyer Part 3: Marriage
Now that you have a basic understanding of your travel requirements and how to pack, it is time to pop the question and commit yourself.…
Frequent Flyer Part 2: Luggage
Packing and luggage are possibly the most important decisions you need to make when traveling. To get you started, you should answer the following questions:…
Frequent Traveler Part 1: Questions
Are you a frequent traveler or are you about to become one? What type of travel will you be doing? In most cases, frequent travelers…