In my home lab, I use Synology for my shared storage solution. In this post, I would like to talk about what Synology devices I…
VMware VM: Hot Add Virtual Disk
As many of you know, VMware has the ability to “hot-add” resources such as CPU, memory, and hard drives to a running VM. Some resources, such as hard drives, can be added to all modern operating systems and require no custom configurations. Other resources, such as CPU and memory, require specific OSs and specific settings to be enabled. In this blog post, I will be covering how to add resources to both Windows and Linux VMs.
Resize2fs fails with "Killed"
I recently attempted to extend a filesystem on my Ubuntu system and ran into an interesting problem I figured would be worth sharing.
Log Insight: Live Storage vs. Disk Size
I was recently asked to explain a discrepancy between the reported live storage size reported by Log Insight versus the actual disk size listed on…
Creating and Extending Logical Volumes
While I do not frequently have the need to create or extend logical volumes, I find that every time I do I need to lookup…
Adding Virtual Disks and “Operating System not found”
I ran into a frustrating issue the other day when attempting to add multiple new virtual disks to an existing VM. Upon doing so, I…
Switching to the PVSCSI Controller
I recently was doing some performance tests and wanted to try out the VMware paravirtual SCSI controller (PVSCSI). The VM I was testing was running…
Why VMware VSAN Matters
Behind NSX, VSAN was the next most talked about item at VMworld US 2013 and for a good reason. VSAN introduces the opportunity to change…
Cisco MDS CPU utilization of 100 percent seen in certain situations
For those of you who read the MDS 9000 NX-OS update, 5.0(7), release notes, you may have noticed that the title of this post is…
EMC FLARE <32 RAID 6 Implementation
Over the last few weeks I was engaged in an issue where all VMs backed by a NFS datastore in an environment experienced several seconds…